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ZKL-3 Hurdle for Competition

Price: US$151.70

  • The paddings are in the base square tubes
  • Adjusted height are 762, 840, 914, 1000 and 1067mm
  • The poles are made from galvanized steel. And the other steel frameworks are powder-coated after acid-pickling and phosphating.
  • The coating thickness is 70 to 80um, and it's pencil hardness is 3H.
  • The sample is tested by GB1771-91 salt-fog test for 36 hours long, after that the coating has not any change. The coating of the specified single-side corrosion 2mm.
  • The uneven parallel bars have the resistance of acid and base, hot-wet, anti-aging. And the bars have good style and resistance of acid rain.
  • The coating of the product is good for human health, not including toxin

  • The structure of the hurdle consists of base square tube, vertical riser, expansion pipe, adjusted height positioning pin and the boards
  • The hurdle boards are ABS molding material, dimension is: 1200 x 70 x 20mm
  • The expansion pipe and the vertical riser are round. The adjusted height positioning pin is put into the vertical riser. There are height holes in the expansion pipes